next season starts November 7th...R U Ready?

Friday, September 22, 2006

Pool Workout - Preseason Week 4

Well, week 4 has quickly come to an end. It doesn't seem like we've been doing this for a month. I'm sure the girls have a different opinion and they feel like preseason has been going on forever, but for me it's going quickly. Maybe it's because I've been counting down the days until we can start practicing for real.

3 weeks from today, it's on. All of the hard workouts and days when they thought they couldn't run, lift, or shoot anymore will finally start to pay off. They will finally get to do what they came here to do 6 days a week. That's when the fun starts. Trade in the early morning track workouts, running hills, and pool workouts for shooting drills, rebounding, offenses, and defenses...I can't wait!

If you've never been through a preseason at RU, maybe you're wondering what a typical week is like. The team lifts weights 3 times per week, does a 6 am track workout on Tuesday and Friday, goes through circuit training and plyometrics, as well as individual skill instruction sessions. The most fun workout of the week (if there is such a thing) is the pool workout on Wednesday. These pictures are from this week's workout. I just couldn't resist posting pictures of how ridiculous some of them look in swim caps, goggles, and flippers. This is a day of comic relief for the coaches!

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